Storage and logistics

Decentralized measurement and control technology for efficient logistics processes
In modern warehouses and distribution centers hundreds of thousands of storage locations are often managed automatically and countless picking stations are computer-controlled.
In order to guarantee the highest efficiency, speed and availability of the storage and picking processes, highly efficient measurement and control systems are required on rack feeders, transfer units and cranes. These components have application-oriented performance data, are easy to configure and quick to install. This means that you can put your storage and logistics system into operation very quickly and depend on maximum reliability at all times.
Successful products from TR-Electronic in the storage and logistics sector:
Project example - WITRON Logistik + Informatik GmbH, Parkstein
Supplier of turnkey-ready storage, distribution and picking systems
Measurement and control system for mechanized container picking system and automatic pallet storage and retrieval device
The LE-200 laser distance sensor is used here in a mechanical container picking system and an automatic pallet storage and retrieval device. Each laser measuring system is linearized in the maximum measuring range and tested 100 %. A reproducibility of ±2 mm is achieved at a maximum distance of 230 m.
The industrial PC developed especially for WITRON is a fanless panel PC. It emulates a VT520 terminal connection and serves as both input medium and for visualizing dialogs, diagnostic and maintenance functions as part of the automatically controlled logistical processes. It is also available as a low temperature-resistant variant for use in deep-freeze warehouses.