
New Catalog by TR-Electronic

TR-Electronic now ships first comprehensive product catalog in English language in over 30 years of company history.
A catalog in the age of tablets, apps and Internet?
Sometimes it is actually easier to leaf through a catalog and find inspiration, than to swipe or click through lists and data views. To help you find the right sensor quickly and easily, we have provided an overview of the extensive range of TR sensors. From absolute or incremental rotary encoders, linear encoders, programmable or non-programmable, draw-wire encoders, laser-based sensors, to different fields of application such as safety-oriented applications, heavy duty and much more, to motion control and individual sensors designed to customer requirements, you can find the right sensor using the tables provided. You will also find sensors specially tailored to your individual requirements in this catalog. Once again we are forging new paths, as is the tradition at TR. If you require detailed data you can conveniently download data sheets, CAD drawings and much more from your desk using the Internet link provided. Or you can simply capture the QR code with your smartphone to receive all detailed data directly on your cell – wherever you are and without an app: The TR catalog combines both worlds: The overview comes from the book, and the detailed data for the products are just a scan away with the smartphone. We therefore have an easy-to-read printed work and up-to-date internet with comprehensive documents such as commissioning instructions, software and CAD data.

You can request the printed catalog from your local sales partner or take a look at the PDF version:

PDF (ca. 90 MB)